Cybersecurity Threat Prevention and Mitigation Guide
Can you guess the most targeted sector by hackers in 2021?
If you said education, you’ve been doing your homework. Attacks were up 75 percent from 2020. That’s even after the near record-setting 2020, which saw 2.99 million records impacted in total.
We’ve put together a list of steps organizations can take to help prevent and mitigate cyberattacks. While not comprehensive, we hope these best practices shed light on proactive measures organizations can adopt to safeguard their networks and data.
Here’s a sneak peek of the Cybersecurity Threat Prevention and Mitigation Guide! Fill out the form below to access the full report!
Step 1: Discover and Seal the Nooks and Crannies
You have your network up and running, but how do you know where your vulnerabilities are? Cyber criminals will not stop looking for a way to infiltrate your network, so you need to be just as persistent in protecting it. Penetration tests are “ethical hacks” that involve a cybersecurity expert testing the defenses of your network just like a potential attacker would.
You can then use the information uncovered in the pen test to identify and fix your vulnerabilities before hackers expose them. Getting annual pen tests keeps you one step ahead of the hackers and provides you with a roadmap to getting your network on point.